With LuatVietnam free version, you can still login with LuatVietnam account registered on desktop version (desktop)Or you can use LuatVietnam Pro version (paid) to download files, including English translations.LuatVietnam has 2 interfaces in Vietnamese and English. Click on the Vietnam flag to see the Vietnamese version or the British flag to see the English version.In the Vietnamese version, you can see the answers, advice, LuatVIetnam handbook.We attach 2 very useful applications for you, that is to calculate your PIT amount and calculate your retirement dateA special feature of LuatVietnam is that each document is quoted by us to summarize the main content. Accordingly, it only takes you no more than a minute to find out what the text is about and whether it is necessary for you.We are ready to assist you with technical problems during use. Do not hesitate to email
[email protected] or call 094 671 6767 at any time.